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It’s your Face so you Better Wash It!

healthy skin tips

Try These Awesome Tips For Healthy Skin

If you’re skipping the morning and night step of washing and cleansing your face, you’re making a mistake. Clear, healthy skin can easily be in your future if you follow some proper care routines.

Going to a dermatologist is also a great step if you are struggling with your complexion. In the meantime, figure out what type of skin you have:

Dry skin is flaky, scaly, or rough. Oily skin is shiny, greasy, and may have big pores. Combination skin is dry in some spots and oily in others Sensitive skin may sting, burn, or itch after you use some makeup or other products. Once you have identified your skin type, be on the lookout for products that cater to your needs, and read on to learn some easy tips you can follow right at home!

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.” –Walt Whitman

skin care tips

Sneaky Acne Causes

Smartphone: Think about how often you handle your Smartphone throughout the course of the day. Germs from touching your cell, and oils from having it pressed against your face make it a pretty dirty surface. Bacteria are easily transferred to your skin when you are using the cell to make a call. Be more conscious of this and give your screen a quick cleaning from day to day. Lack of Sleep: Not getting enough sleep is the culprit of so many health problems, so it’s no surprise it plays a part in how clear your skin is looking. Lack of sleep lowers your immune system, leaving you more susceptible to breakouts. So take the age-old advice and get more Zzzs!

Good To Read: Try These Amazing Tips for Healthy Naps Thick Foundation: Wearing a lot of makeup or even thick foundation does a great job at clogging your pores. Clogged pores mean acne breakouts and blackheads. Try to look for lightweight foundations and do not skip a nightly routine of thoroughly cleansing your face. Sugar: If you have a diet that is high in sugars, or maybe just had a week full of sugary sweets, you might notice your complexion is not the happiest with you. That is because sugar consumption can produce excess oil leaving you with more spots. Try to be conscientious of your sugar intake and shoot for eating a balanced diet. Coffee: So sad to see that such an important part of the morning can be the reason you have been struggling to get healthy skin! Coffee intake can actually throw off your skin’s natural ph. If you are a big coffee drinker, try to lessen your coffee runs and see if it makes a difference in your skin’s health!

skin care tips

The Perfect Skin Routine

Adding a skincare regime to your day-to-day routine really doesn’t have to be as time-consuming as you might think. It really only needs to be a daily, two-time process. Morning: Don’t skip washing your face in the morning with some cool water to refresh yourself. Use a toner (a water-based liquid composed of plant extracts and essential oils) on a cotton pad over your face to remove sebum (oil) produced overnight. Some toners have alcohol to help dry out the skin if you tend to be oily. If you have dry skin, there are toners without alcohol that aid in moisture. Regardless of your skin type, after washing and toning moisturize! You can get moisturizers that are light-weight and oil-free if you fall more on the oily side. It is very important to keep your skin hydrated. Night: Don’t fall into the bad habit of not washing your face before bed. Whether you wear makeup or not, your face gathers oils, dust, and dirt throughout the day and it is vital to wash that all off. Be sure to wash with warm water, as using water that is too hot can strip your face of its necessary oils and dry it out. Again, use the toner on a cotton pad over your face and end with a moisturizer. Weekly, you should exfoliate your skin with a scrub to help get rid of dead skin and give you a deep clean. Face masks are also super fun to try and can be done right at home! Also, be sure to wash your sheets and pillowcases regularly to help you achieve that healthy skin you've been longing for.

Eat your Way to a Clearer Face!

avocado for healthy skin

Avocados: This fruit (yes, it’s technically a fruit, if you were wondering) has been booming in popularity lately, so it’s no surprise that avocados are great in having healthy skin! Avocados have essential fatty acids, vitamin C, and E plus antioxidants, all great ingredients for maintaining healthy skin. Look for avocados in face masks too.

Fish: Because fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, it aids in maintaining the elasticity of your skin. The fatty acids also give your skin a gorgeous glow. Sushi anyone?

Pineapple: Not only are pineapples a tasty tropical fruit, but the vitamin C and enzymes in the fruit are also known to be a nice skin softener. Pineapple can also create collagen and aid in tissue and cell repair. There are more benefits in that smoothie than you think!

Beets: Beets are full of antioxidants, which help to prevent your skin from being dull. Adding some raw beets to your salad or adding a slice or two to a sandwich will keep you glowing and add a youthful touch.

  • From the brow to you can slide your fingers down the sides of your nostrils or apply pressure to the indentations right underneath the middle of the brow, between your eyes and your nose. These are points that will relieve sinus pressure and congestion.

  • The indents of your temples are points that aid in focus, however, this is an area that should be touched gently.

Some Tips for Honey Honey, Honey, Honey. Raw honey is useful for more than tea and scones!

honey benefits

  • Use a thin layer to exfoliate your lips before bed. Sweet on the lips and they’re smooth in the morning.

  • If you have a pimple or acne spot, apply some honey to it and cover with a bandage. Leave it on overnight and rinse with warm water in the morning. It can also be put on a scar and left overnight to help smooth the area.

  • For glowing skin mix one part raw honey with two parts pure Aloe Vera gel and apply to your face before bed.



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