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Stress Management - Benefits of Massage

Stress Management Tip, Massage!

Stress levels in the workplace are on the increase and a recent study has shown that City workers within the square mile are at the greatest risk. We want to draw your attention to look at ways to decrease this and help improve your productivity and well being at work through stress management. In this article we'll talk about how chair massage helps city workers manage their stress.

stress management: massage

It will probably come as no surprise to City workers to find that they have been identified as significantly more likely to suffer from stress, anxiety and depression according to a survey carried out by the City of London Corporation in conjunction with NHS North East London and the City appointed the Public Health Action Support Team CIC (PHAST).


The survey sampled 2519 workers from a diverse pool of professions within the City and revealed that 18.5% of all workers suffer from stress several months of the year.

Businesses reported stress, headaches, and serious long-term conditions (e.g. cancer, Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis) as the main reason for employees’ sick leave.

This highlights the importance of investment in therapies that can alleviate the underlying stress before it causes costly absences from work.

acupressure chair massage

Chair Massage and Wellbeing At Work Workshops are proactive stress management methods to relieve workplace stress and anxiety.

Integrating acupressure chair massage and mindfulness sessions into the working day serves as a timely and effective way of reducing stress, releasing tension, and creating balance within the office environment.

The NHS also reminds employees to steer clear of unhealthy behaviours, emphasising that good stress management in the workplace is critical to overall health. Acupressure treatment in a chair relieves pain and tension in the upper body in a short time (just 15, 20 or 30 minutes) with the benefit of being fully clothed, oil free and on-site. The Massages can be light and relaxing or more akin to deep tissue massage using stronger and slower pressure to alleviate severe tension in muscles and connective tissue.

Katoka Massage Therapy also offers a wider range of Wellbeing At Work workshops to promote relaxation and mindfulness, whilst invigorating the body and mind. Mindfulness activities such as dynamic meditation, qigong, sound baths (and more...) reduce the symptomatic effects of stress and enhance blood circulation and calms the mind, so to better focus once again. Enquire now to find out more!



Improve Wellbeing and Productivity at work for your employees by introducing fully clothed

Acupressure Chair Massage.

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It's the perfect ongoing stress management health programme.

For more information click here.

Feel better in just a few minutes. Give it a try!



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